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Our History

In the beginning... late in the Fall of 1947, after many weeks of informal discussion, four men met to discuss seriously the formation of the Weston Field Club. The decision to go ahead was made and each of these men signed a Founding Bond of $25,000.

Next step was to sign up 25 other families as charter members who backed up their faith in the idea by signing a pledge to remain members for at least three years. Once this nucleus was obtained, a drive for forty additional members was begun. Thus, on July 4, 1948 the Weston Field Club was officially opened. 

The present Weston Field Club was then a private school. A 10-year lease with option to purchase was drawn up. The option was exercised in 1958 and what a wise investment it was!

Now there was a Weston Field Club- on paper. The Ark was an old barn, blissfully free of all oddments such as windows, plumbing or a tight roof. The two tennis courts hid their heads in grassy shame whenever a tennis racquet approached. But the members pitched in with what has since become accepted WFC enthusiasm, and most of the work was done with hands more accustomed to Madison Avenue martinis than mauls and mallets. 

The Club progressed steadily: additional courts constructed: the Ark improved: the lake cleared: and much more done.

It is good, while enjoying today’s Weston Field Club, to recall our humble beginnings and to remember too that we want to stay “rural” small, intimate: a club for healthy enjoyment by all members of our families.